Friday, 13 April 2012

Join Us To Grant A Child's Wish!

We are so excited to share that we have officially launched our Make-A-Wish BC & Yukon 2DreamRunners 2012 fund raising campaign!

What is a wish?

A “wish” is a child’s personal, heartfelt answer to the question: “If you could go anywhere, meet anyone, have or be anything, what would you choose? What would you do?” 
Children are energized by a wish … by imagining it, describing it, planning and anticipating it. Families say that a wish can encourage a child to see a future to fight for, and then to fight on, often against tremendous odds. A wish gives courage and hope.

We are asking for pledges for three main events. The first one being The Vancouver BMO Marathon and Half Marathon. Make-A-Wish BC & Yukon has made donating super easy by adding us to their page where you can donate online to our campaign right on their website. There is no middle person so Make-A-Wish BC & Yukon gets your full donation. How cool is that?!

We are so thankful that we have such a fantastic network of support through you and we recognize the strength that comes in numbers. What a beautiful thing we can do together.
It is very exciting to realize that we will help a child with a life threatening medical condition experience a special wish.

Here are the numbers:

198 days to reach our goal of raising $8000. That is just $40 per day or 400 people donating $20 each. Is it possible that we have enough time and generosity from all of you wonderful people and your networks to double that? We are asking you to “share” our page, “like” our page and help us spread the word and reach our goal. We definitely can't do this by ourselves.

When we step out the door to train we give our time and we pay for our registration and travel to these events. We believe however that we can bring greater meaning to our efforts through the networking power of social media. Your involvement in our journey can make big things happen for others. That is the power of spreading the positive energy of health and wellness. It feels so good to help. In return for your support, we will share with you our positive experiences, pictures, stories, and our progress through the year – and share your contribution with the wish recipient. Feel free to email us if you have any specific questions about our training or fund raising events.

To make a donation in support of 2DreamRunners 2012, Click here and choose 2DreamRunners 2012 under support a specific BC Campaign and complete the rest of the donation form.

Please Remember To Share This and Thank You!

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