In terms of my experiences on the run, I really learned a lot of respect (again) for my health. It was not a personal best for me on the clock, but I achieved incredible gains in mental strength and was blessed with the feeling of sharing the benefits of my training with more than just me.
I will ask you now to clear your mind and go on an emotional roller coaster ride with me. Stop, and think about your family. Most of us are pretty normal. We get a cold or flu, we bump up our knees when we fall off a bike, or we strain a muscle or two when we shovel snow. What if that all changed tomorrow? Chances are you know someone who's world has been suffocated as someone they love has been hit by a wall of uncertainty that a life threatening medical condition brings.
With running, this feeling can be compared to hitting the wall, or feeling like you just can't go any further, only with running that feeling is temporary, and chances are, like I did in my recent race, you can give your mind control and fight the fight you need to gain your strength to finish the race.
Our family at Make-A-Wish BC and Yukon |
If we needed Make-A-Wish for a child in our family, they would be there for us, so because we can, we are helping to build their strength for families who need wishes now.
Thank you for helping us achieve our goal and helping us pay it forward.
To make a donation in support of 2DreamRunners 2012, Click here and choose 2DreamRunners 2012 under support a specific BC Campaign and complete the rest of the donation form.